Monday, August 22, 2011


Alright, so this is another group's blog being put into use. Before any monthly journal can be posted here here is this particular group's description:
Group's logo: Four Leaf Clover
Used Theme: ITCC
Name "LUCKY" stands as an abbreviation of:
L: LIGHT as our foundation
U: Unity is our main set
C: Communicating to achieve relation
K: Knows each other to make good works
Y: Youthful spirit that we have
  1. Danny Benlin / 26411001 (leader)
  2. Albert Halim / 26411009
  3. Bobby William / 26411011
  4. Max Loren / 26411025
  5. Ariani Kartika / 26411026
  6. Hans Christian / 26411027
  7. Hans Sebastian / 26411031
Status: Excecuting (current: 3rd SL)


  1. halo sudah ketemu lokasi, logo dan apa yang mau dikerjakan? kalau belum nemu tempat, apa mau di siwalankerto meneruskan program yang dulu? bisa di siwalankerto rw6/rt 4 atau rw 6/rt 2. bisa melihat di website untuk meneruskan program mereka. mereka semester lalu cukup kooperatif dan semangat. tinggal menghubungi ketua rt nya.

  2. lokasinya belum bu, logo sudah ada tapi masih berusaha diupload, apa yang dikerjakan konsep ada tapi detilnya belum. nanti akan diusahakan lagi bu
