Saturday, November 5, 2011

The Execution

From the previous journal up till now we have done this (non-chronological):
  1. Prepare the materials used for teaching (midway during midterm tests)
  2. Discuss and ready the preparation (tools and accommodation) for the 1st and 2nd SL
  3. Begin preparations of the final project (proposal + video)
  4. Execute the first and second SL (Mentor + Co-Mentor joined the 1st SL)
  5. Change the planned schedule for the last meeting (the "pemberdayaan", the video, the survey and a quiz)
  6. Found out that we have to meet the mentors 11 more times
  7. Eradicated some materials to give time for the more important ones
And from that we learn:
  1. To be active when teaching the children. Unless the other 6 members joined in to help teaching the students, it will take 2x the expected time to teach the materials (although we don't keep up with the schedule anyway)
  2. To be careful with what kind of casual talks we wander to. For orphans, it's not recommended to talk about childhood (even if they're still child)
  3. That personal / social interaction distance is better in delivering lessons than public distance. Perhaps that's why we have lecturer assistants wandering around.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Ending

From the previous journal up till now we have done this:
1. Execute the last two SL
2. Arrange weekly meetings with mentor and co-mentor
3. Worked and completed both the proposal and the video

And from that we learn:
1. Work together
2. How to talk to seniors (much more this time)
3. Share feelings with the orphans

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Investigation

For the first 2 months we have done this (chronologically):
  1. Set the group name and theme
  2. Meet the co-mentor (communicative problem: low time to spare in meeting the co-mentor, and the other group members)
  3. Found the location and prepare the planned materials
  4. First survey, then change the theme from GL to ITCC (communicative problem: wrong perception during the 1st theme decision)
  5. Ready the proposal and then ask approval of our mentor (communicative problem: low-scale culture shock, we don't meet the mentor until the co-mentor bridges us)
  6. Second survey and finishing the proposal (technical problem: lentera cannot be uploaded with a file larger than 150 kb, and our file is 1,19 mb large.)
  1. Reserve more time
  2. Survey the community thoroughly before making decisions
  3. Adapt to the University environment as quickly as possible

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Introduction v2.0

Project name: Pengenalan dan Pemberdayaan IT dan Multimedia
Topic: Daily computer software (mainly Office + Photoshop) and internet usage
Location: Lydia Orphanage in Gayungsari road
Period: October - November 2011
The Lydia Orphanage is founded on 1983 and is now taking care of 22 children and teens with education level ranging from Kindergarten to University. The administrator of the orphanage was willing to teach the inhabitants, especially teens, about daily IT, that is computer and internet usage. However, they lack the necessary knowledge, workforce and resources for it. Without proper techniques in using the computer, they're subject of being left behind further in the wake of technology advances, unable to harness its usefulness and vulnerable to the dangers of it.
These problems are solvable through our SL, in which the needed education will be taught according to their current formal education necessity. Internet usage are also taught as a basis of self-learning the further use of computer in the future.
  1. To increase the orphanage occupants' interest of IT
  2. To solve the community problem by raising the skills of using the computer and internet
Planned activities:
  1. Teach the usage of certain computer programs such as Office 2007, Photoshop CS3 and AVG 2011
  2. Explain about open source programs and freewares
  3. Introduce the daily internet usage and exploiting it for study purposes
  4. Ready the community for group discussion which will be held regularly as a self-studying activity

Monday, August 22, 2011


Alright, so this is another group's blog being put into use. Before any monthly journal can be posted here here is this particular group's description:
Group's logo: Four Leaf Clover
Used Theme: ITCC
Name "LUCKY" stands as an abbreviation of:
L: LIGHT as our foundation
U: Unity is our main set
C: Communicating to achieve relation
K: Knows each other to make good works
Y: Youthful spirit that we have
  1. Danny Benlin / 26411001 (leader)
  2. Albert Halim / 26411009
  3. Bobby William / 26411011
  4. Max Loren / 26411025
  5. Ariani Kartika / 26411026
  6. Hans Christian / 26411027
  7. Hans Sebastian / 26411031
Status: Excecuting (current: 3rd SL)